Gradius 2 boss words
Gradius 2 boss words

This version was ported to the Sharp X68000 computer under the name Nemesis '90 Kai, with a number of graphical and aural enhancements. In addition, when the bosses are defeated, the Metalion can fly inside them before they explode, and a mini-level will start that awards weapon upgrades when finished without dying, depending on the speed at which the boss was defeated. The gameplay is mostly unchanged from the rest of the series, though there are some power-ups that temporarily give the ship some enhancements. Like the MSX version of Salamander, this game also has a storyline, which is told by cut-scenes. Instead of controlling Vic Viper, the available ship is called "Metalion" (code name N322). The MSX Gradius 2 is unrelated to the second arcade Gradius game (which used the Roman numeral "II"). There also exists an arcade game named Life Force that is identical to Salamander released in Japanese arcades the same year, except that a Gradius-style power meter is used instead of conventional power-up items, and the stages were recolored slightly and given some voiceovers to make the mission about travelling inside someone's body, rather than through space stages took on names such as "Kidney Zone" and "Stomach." An American release was also made, but it retained the original power-up system of Salamander, though it was renamed, rather confusingly, as Life Force. The NES version of Salamander, called Life Force in North America (and marketed in that region as the "sequel" to the first Gradius), and the MSX version used the power meter from the Gradius series. Unlike Gradius, Salamander uses a more conventional weapons system, with enemies leaving a wide variety of distinct power-ups. The first player ship is Gradius's own Vic Viper ship, while the second ship is the Lord British space destroyer (sometimes called the "RoadBritish"). Also, Salamander was one of the first shoot'em ups to include cooperative gameplay. Most prominently, the game switches between horizontal and vertical stages, one of the first games of its kind. The game is noteworthy for a number of reasons. Not actually part of the series, but the spiritual successor and clips from it appear in Gradius Want to write us something? PM myself and I'll put it up! Please don't worry about images or videos as I can sort that out.

gradius 2 boss words

But since there is little to no reading required, I don't see why not. I'm not entirely sure what the extras are, as I have never played the JP version. If you can find it, the Japanese version has some extras that weren't included in the US and EU releases seeings as the JP version actually came out AFTER the other two. The difficulty ramps up every time you complete a loop, and the amount of tight navigation in this game will make you want to rip your hair out (unless of course you are Mthrmite, in which case, you have none). The legacy mechanics of powering up your ship and shooting cores are alive and well in this stellar shooter. The stages are beautiful, and the bosses are creative. Ill leave it up to you to find the codes. If you enter a slightly wrong version of the code, you get the power ups, but your ship self destructs in 5 seconds. If you enter the correct Konami code, you will get 2 missile upgrades, 2 lazer upgrades, all 4 options, and a shield instantly. For those of you that dont know, you collect powerups from mostly red enemies or killing whole chains of enemies and then stacking them to unlock abilities for your ship.


Any veteran of the series knows that "Speedup, missile, double, lazer, option, sheild" bar.

gradius 2 boss words

You cruise though deep space collecting power ups and using them on the bar at the bottom of the screen. All slightly different from each other, but any will do really. You choose your ship loadout which is either "balanced", "wide", "power", or "air to ground". Not that you would ever play a space shooter for the gripping story.īasically the gameplay remains unchanged from any other Gradius title there is.

gradius 2 boss words

Eventually the planet begins transform into a mecha fortress and Gradius sends the tiny ass Vic Vipor to destroy it. Bacterion (and enemy of planet Gradius, I'm guessing) has one of their powerful weapons destroyed and it crashlands on some unfortunate planet. According to Wikipedia, the plot of Galaxies is set between 3 and Gaiden. My usual sites for dredging up information on old games are unusually dry this time, so alot of this is coming from my own knowledge, as well as some of the small but interesting tidbits I found. If you have played a Gradius before, you know exactly what to expect when you pick up this version. In 2001, Konami released the single best space shooter to grace the GBA, as well as the only Gradius that generation.

gradius 2 boss words

Bortzy's back.and his front aint too bad either!

Gradius 2 boss words